Flutter for GitLab. Support Android & IOS.
- App
- Login by Personal Access Token
- Projects
- Themes mode
- Markdown and code highlighting support
- Search Users/Orgs, Repos, Issues/MRs & Code.
- Repositories
- Edit, Create & Delete files (commit)
- Edit, Create & Delete files (Project Columns Cards)
- Search Repos
- Browse and search Repos
- See your public, private and forked Repos
- Filter Branches and Commits
- Issues and Pull Requests
- Search Issues/MRs
- Filter Issues/MRs
- Open/close Issues/MRs
- Comment on Issues/MRs
- Manage Issue/PR comments
- Edit Issues/MRs
- Assign people and add Labels and Milestones to Issues/MRs
- Merge MRs
- MRs request review changes/approve & comment.
- MRs statuses
- Approve or UnApprove MR
- CI Status
- Play|Cancel|Retry CI Job
- Organisations
- Feeds
- Repos
- PipeLines
- List project’s pipepine
- Play, Retry, Cancel Pipeline Job
GitlabClient _client = GitlabClient.newInstance();
final url = "";
final remoteData = await _client
.then((resp) {
page = int.tryParse(resp.headers['x-page'] ?? 0);
total = int.tryParse(resp.headers['x-total-pages'] ?? 0);
next = int.tryParse(resp.headers['x-next-page'] ?? 0);
return resp;
.then((resp) => utf8.decode(resp.bodyBytes))
.then((s) => jsonDecode(s))
.catchError((err) {
print("loadData err: $err");
return [];
return remoteData;
/// remoteData: Object or List
It is a common component that contains some logics. as follows:
- Automatically load data
- Pull down to refresh
- Pull up page load
///[canPullUp] This bool will affect whether or not to have the function of drop-up load
///[canPullDown] This bool will affect whether or not to have the function of drop-down refresh
///[withPage] Tihs bool will affect whether or not to add page arg to request url
abstract class CommListWidget extends StatefulWidget {
final bool canPullUp;
final bool canPullDown;
final bool withPage;
{this.canPullDown = true, this.canPullUp = true, this.withPage = true});
/// Create a list statefull widget
class ProjectTab extends CommListWidget {
final String type;
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => ProjectState(
/// Create a state for list
class ProjectState extends CommListState {
ProjectState(String endPoint) : super(endPoint);
Widget childBuild(BuildContext context, int index) {
final item = data[index];
return Card(...);
Light | Dark |
Repo | Merge Request |
Groups | Jobs |
Credit (github url) : https://github.com/stefanJi/Flutter4GitLab
Next Article : https://flutterappdev.com/2019/01/25/a-flutter-plugin-to-crop-image-on-ios-and-android-mobile-app-dev/