Whatsapp clone using Flutter


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Whatsapp clone using Flutter


Whatsapp clone using Flutter.


This is a clone of WhatsApp (version 2.19.98) with Flutter.

This project is still under development. The list below are the features that I’m planning to implement. The item that’s been implemented is marked by strikethrough.

  1. AppBar & TabBar
  2. Chat Tab
    1. Retrieve list of chats from API and display them.
    2. Search through chats.
    3. Show popup when profile is clicked.
    4. Create New Chat Screen
      1. Retrieve list of contacts in phone.
    5. Chat Detail Screen
      1. Retrieve chat details (conversations) from API and display them.
      2. Send a new text message.
  3. Status Tab
    1. Retrieve list of statuses from API and display them.
    2. Search through statuses.
    3. Status Detail Screen
      1. Retrieve status details from API and display them.
  4. Calls Tab
    1. Retrieve list of calls from API and display them.
    2. Search through calls.
    3. Call Detail Screen
  5. Camera Tab
    1. List all images in Gallery and display them. (Only images in DCIM/Camera in Android)
    2. Take picture and save in storage.
    3. Record a video and save in storage.

Source Credit : https://github.com/hanmajid/flutter_whatsapp

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