A simple todo app built with flutter.
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Getting Started
- flutter create –androidx . if android/ios folders aren’t present.
- flutter packages get
- flutter run
- Provider for simple state management.
- Stream builder for reactive data.
- SQLite for persistence.
- Uses moor as an abstraction layer on top of SQFlite.
- Option to add due date
- Option to tag user tasks
- Option to edit and delete tasks – [x] Swipe to delete – [x] Long press to edit
- Scheduled local notifications for tasks tagged as Important and have a due date.
- Option to edit tags
- Publish to play store
- Redesign ui to custom design. (Not following Material/Cupertino)
- Replace assets/images/logo.png with your own.
- Run flutter pub pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main to generate platform specific icons.
Source Credit Url : https://github.com/newtonmunene99/tasker