Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame Player API. Supports both Android and iOS platforms.
Salient Features
- Inline Playback
- Supports captions
- No need for API Key
- Supports custom controls
- Supports Live Stream videos
- Supports changing playback rate
- Support for both Android and iOS
- Adapts to quality as per the bandwidth
- Fast Forward and Rewind on horizontal drag
The plugin uses webview_flutter under-the-hood to play videos.
Since webview_flutter relies on Flutter’s new mechanism for embedding Android and iOS views, this plugin might share some known issues tagged with the platform-views and/or webview labels.
Opt-in to the embedded views preview by adding a boolean property to the app’s Info.plist file with the key io.flutter.embedded_views_preview and the value YES.
No configuration required – the plugin should work out of the box.
Using Youtube Player
context: context,
initialVideoId: "iLnmTe5Q2Qw",
flags: YoutubePlayerFlags(
autoPlay: true,
showVideoProgressIndicator: true,
videoProgressIndicatorColor: Colors.amber,
progressColors: ProgressColors(
playedColor: Colors.amber,
handleColor: Colors.amberAccent,
onPlayerInitialized: (controller) {
_controller = controller;
Playing live stream videos
Set the isLive property to true in order to change the UI to match Live Video.
context: context,
initialVideoId: "iLnmTe5Q2Qw",
flags: YoutubePLayerFlags(
isLive: true,
liveUIColor: Colors.amber,
Want to customize the player?
With v5.x.x and up, use the topActions and bottomActions properties to customize the player.
Some of the widgets bundled with the plugin are:
- FullScreenButton
- RemainingDuration
- CurrentPosition
- PlayPauseButton
- PlaybackSpeedButton
- ProgressBar
context: context,
initialVideoId: "iLnmTe5Q2Qw",
bottomActions: [
ProgressBar(isExpanded: true),
Didn’t like the controls at all?
Don’t worry, Got a solution for you. 😉
Set the hideControls property to true, then you can create your own custom controls using the controller obtained from onPlayerInitialized property.
context: context,
initialVideoId: "iLnmTe5Q2Qw",
flags: YoutubePlayerFlags(
hideControls: true,
onPlayerInitialized: (controller) {
//Create your own UI using this controller
//on top of the player.
Want to play using Youtube URLs ?
The plugin also provides convertUrlToId() method that converts youtube links to its corresponding video ids.
String videoId;
videoId = YoutubePlayer.convertUrlToId("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBAyRBTfsOU");
print(videoId); // BBAyRBTfsOU
Source Credit Url : https://github.com/sarbagyastha/youtube_player_flutter