A Flutter package that makes it easy to create a sheet that snaps to different positions
Snapping sheet - A Flutter package that makes it easy to create a sheet that snaps to different positions....................
Flutter showcase app
it is just a showcase what you can do with Flutter. We started this project as a playground for learning Dart and Flutter framework.
A Flutter plugin for manipulating Android WindowManager LayoutParams
flutter_windowmanager - A Flutter plugin for manipulating Android WindowManager LayoutParams dynamically at application run-time.
Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame Player API
Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame Player API. Supports both Android and iOS platforms.
Lightweight & effective Todo app with Flutter
Blue Diary - A lightweight & effective Todo app made with Flutter. Supports English and Korean.............................
Fliver Rider for iOS & Android
Fliver is a smartphone app to help ease the process of getting a taxi. When you need one, simply open the app and swipe the button - that's it.
An implementation of GhanaPost GPS re-design
ghana_post_flutter - an implementation of GhanaPost GPS re-design........................................................
simple Tic Toc Toe app with flutter
Tic Toc Toe - This is a simple app created with flutter...................................................................
Simple chess clock app written with flutter
chess_clock - Simple chess clock app written with flutter.................................................................
A Flutter internationalized strings generator
flappy_translator - A Flutter internationalized strings generator. The idea is to automate the static Strings generation from a CSV file.