Flutter plugin

A Flutter plugin for manipulating Android WindowManager LayoutParams dynamically at application run-time

A Flutter plugin for manipulating Android WindowManager LayoutParams


flutter_windowmanager - A Flutter plugin for manipulating Android WindowManager LayoutParams dynamically at application run-time.

Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame Player API

Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame Player API


Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame Player API. Supports both Android and iOS platforms.

Image Picker plugin for Flutter

Image Picker plugin for Flutter


Image Picker plugin for Flutter - A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for picking images from the image library..........

Flutter plugin for auto resize widgets to get then "responsives".

Flutter plugin for auto resize widgets to get then responsives


Flutter plugin for auto resize widgets to get then "responsives". Responsive widgets that makes a auto-size with the proportion between reference screen...

flutter audio recorder

Flutter plugin that can support audio recording and level metering


Flutter Audio Record Plugin that supports Record Pause Resume Stop and provide access to audio level metering properties average power peak power.

flutter Pdf Viewer Plugin

A Flutter plugin for IOS and Android providing a simple way to display PDFs


Pdf Viewer Plugin - A Flutter plugin for IOS and Android providing a simple way to display PDFs............................

Flutter plugin for AdMob Native Ads

Show AdMob Native Ads use PlatformView


flutter_native_ads - Flutter plugin for AdMob Native Ads. Compatible with Android and iOS using PlatformView...............

Flutter plugin for Google Ad Manager(DoubleClick for Publishers)

Flutter google ad manager


flutter_google_ad_manager - Flutter plugin for Google Ad Manager(DoubleClick for Publishers). Just write the DFPBanner widget in your favorite place.

A Flutter plugin to access and manage the device's contacts

A Flutter plugin to retrieve and manage contacts on Android and iOS devices


contacts_service - A Flutter plugin to access and manage the device's contacts. If you do not request user permission or have it granted.

A flutter plugin for Google Maps

A flutter plugin for Google Maps


A flutter plugin for displaying google maps on iOS and Android. API changes are likely as we continue to develop this plugin.

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