flutter Widgets

A very sexy Flutter template app with great focus on UI

A very sexy Flutter UI template


A very sexy Flutter template app with great focus on UI, design and animations. It is written entirely in Dart code and built using Flutter widgets, so it can be compiled to run (very smoothly) on both Android and iOS.

Flutter App to Demonstrate JSON Parsing

App Demonstrating JSON Data Parsing with various flutter widgets


users_list - App Demonstrating JSON Data Parsing with various flutter widgets. This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

Custom Flutter widgets that makes Bottom Navigation Floating and can be expanded with much cleaner and easier way.

A Custom Extended Scaffold with Expandable and Floating Navigation Bar


extended_navbar_scaffold - Custom Flutter widgets that makes Bottom Navigation Floating and can be expanded with much cleaner and easier way.

MetaFlutter is a project to create Flutter layouts on device

A tool to build Flutter layouts on-device


MetaFlutter - MetaFlutter is a project to create Flutter layouts on device.Learn, explore and experiment with Flutter widgets directly on your phone.

Flutter Widget Quiz made for Flutter Create

Flutter Widget Quiz made for Flutter Create


Widget Quiz - With this app, users will learn Flutter widgets more efficiently. Answer to Flutter widget quizez You can jump to document if you like...

A set of Flutter widgets that makes grouping Checkboxes and Radio Buttons much easier

A set of Flutter widgets that makes grouping Checkboxes and Radio Buttons much easier


grouped_buttons - A set of Flutter widgets that makes grouping Checkboxes and Radio Buttons much easier! with flutter dart lang.

Build a calculator app in iOS and Android with the same code by using flutter

Build a calculator app in iOS and Android with the same code by using flutter


flutter_calculator - Build a calculator app in iOS and Android with the same code by using flutter. Input widgets is all extends StatefulWidget.