A Flutter based to do list app
Flutter to do App "To Do List". A Flutter app based on the design of the To Do App, created by Rudi Hartono, see more on: Uplabs.
Best Flutter UI Templates
Best-Flutter-UI-Templates - completely free for everyone. Its build-in Flutter Dart.......................................
A Flutter package provides some implementations of TextInputFormatter that format input with pre-defined patterns
PatternFormatter - A Flutter package provides some implementations of TextInputFormatter that format input with pre-defined patterns.
Thanos snap effect in Flutter
Snappable - Thanos effect library in Flutter. Check out blog post describing the package on Fidev..........................
A Flutter PageView Indicator has Worm animation
Worm Indicator - A Flutter PageView Indicator has Worm animation. Use with PageView to display scroll progress............
Nepali Date Picker
Nepali Date Picker - Material and Cupertino Style Date Picker with Bikram Sambat(Nepali) Calendar Support. Supports Android, iOS and Fuchsia.
QR Code Scanner for Flutter
A QR code scanner that works on both iOS and Android by natively embedding the platform view within Flutter. The integration with Flutter is seamless..