Flutter plugin support android/ios crop flip rotate
image_editor - Support android ios, use the native way to flip, crop, rotate pictures......................................
A Todo Application written with Dart on Flutter
todoA Todo Application written with Dart on Flutter. Getting Started Clone this repositoryTechnologies DartFlutter Firestore Database..
A Flutter Widget to display the details of a ticket/pass purchased
ticket_pass_package - A Flutter package to display the purchase of a ticket/pass along with additional details such as list of buyers.
Sorting algorithms visualizer in Flutter
Sorting Algorithms Visualizer in Flutter - Algorithms implemented Insertion Sort Selection SortBubble Sort..................
Infinite View Pager widget for Flutter
infinite_view_pager - Flutter infinite view pager widget.....................................................................
Easy Form State Management using BLoC pattern – Create Beautiful Forms in Flutter
Easy Form State Management using BLoC pattern - Create Beautiful Forms in Flutter. The easiest way to Prefill, Async Validation, Update Form Fields, and Show Progress, Failures..
A scientific & intutive calculator written in Flutter
Num++ let you type math expression intuitively and evaluate it automatically. It supports basically all kinds of math function you will need and it's beautifully designed.
iOS/Android App To Download Videos From YouTube In mp3 Format
Flutter_YouTube_MP3 App - A Simple app To Download mp3 Videos From YouTube................................................
A grid that supports both dragging and tapping to select its items
drag_select_grid_view - A grid that supports both dragging and tapping to select its items................................
Unofficial KronoX app for Android and iOS
School Schedule - Unofficial KronoX app for Android and iOS made using Flutter............................................