
A Todo Application written with Dart on Flutter

A Todo Application written with Dart on Flutter


todoA Todo Application written with Dart on Flutter. Getting Started Clone this repositoryTechnologies DartFlutter Firestore Database..

A Flutter music app made with Provider and BLoC pattern

Music App made with flutter


Chillify - A Flutter music app made with Provider and BLoC pattern. (Works on Android for now, iOS coming soon)...........

Todo - Simple & Beautiful

A beautiful todo app made with Flutter


Todo - Simple & Beautiful A minimal Todo mobile app made using Flutter. Easily add and remove tasks Organize tasks under categories editing.

A weather app built to learn how to use Canvas and Animation in Flutter.

A weather app built to learn how to use Canvas and Animation in Flutter


A weather app built to learn how to use Canvas and Animation in Flutter. learn how to use Canvas and Animation in Flutter.