A flutter package inspired by HTML/ CSS


A flutter widget with the goal of simplifying styling and to reduce nesting, inspired by CSS


A flutter widget with the goal of simplifying styling and to reduce nesting, inspired by CSS

Built with Division in less than 1 hour

App designer


Getting Started

The Division widget has 3 properties. A style property, a gesture property and a child property. As simple as that!

Division(style: StyleClass, gesture: GestureClass, child, Widget);

Simple example


import 'package:division/division.dart';

Simple usage

  style: StyleClass()
    ..borderRadius(all: 30.0)
  gesture: GestureClass()
    ..onTap(() => print('Widget pressed')),
  child: Text('Some text'),

The result

Style property

The style property expects a StyleClass which is a class holding all the styling for the widget.


To add a style to the StyleClass, use the ..[style] syntax. The two dots is used to not return [style], but the StyleClass.

On construction, choose to use radians or not when giving circular values. Styleclass({bool useRadians = false}).


..align(dynamic alignment)

alignment parameters support [String] value (‘center’, ‘left’, ‘bottomRight’…), ([dx, dy]) value, [double] value (same value for dx and dy) and [Alignment].

Align child

..alignChild(dynamic alignment)

alignment parameters support [String] value (‘center’, ‘left’, ‘bottomRight’…), ([dx, dy]) value, [double] value (same value for dx and dy) and [Alignment].


..padding({double all, 
      double horizontal, 
      double vertical, 
      double top, 
      double bottom, 
      double left, 
      double right})

If all is defined, non of the other properties will have an effect. If horizontal and vertical is defined, topbottomleft, and right will have no effect.


..margin({double all,
      double horizontal,
      double vertical,
      double top,
      double bottom,
      double left,
      double right})

If all is defined, non of the other properties will have an effect. If horizontal and vertical is defined, topbottomleft, and right will have no effect.

Background color

..backgroundColor(dynamic color)

color parameter supports HEX (‘#xxxxxx’), RGB ([int, int, int]), RGBA ([int, int, int, double]) and [Color].


..linearGradient({dynamic beginAlign = 'left',
      dynamic endAlign = 'right',
      @required List<dynamic> colors,
      TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
      List<double> stops})

      {dynamic centerAlign = 'center',
      double radius = 0.5,
      @required List<dynamic> colors,
      TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
      List<double> stops})

      {dynamic centerAlign = 'center',
      double startAngle = 0.0,
      double endAngle,
      @required List<dynamic> colors,
      TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
      List<double> stops})

Choose between 3 gradient variants. sweepGradient() by default does not use radians for the startAngle and the endAngle. By default 0.25 equals 45 degrees, 1 equals one full turn etc. To change to use radians do: StyleClass(useRadians: true)...

color parameter supports HEX (‘#xxxxxx’), RGB ([int, int, int]), RGBA ([int, int, int, double]) and [Color].

alignment parameters support [String] value (‘center’, ‘left’, ‘bottomRight’…), ([dx, dy]) value, [double] value (same value for dx and dy) and [Alignment].


      {double all,
      double left,
      double right,
      double top,
      double bottom,
      dynamic color = const Color(0xFF000000),
      BorderStyle style = BorderStyle.solid})

Choose between all or leftrighttop and bottomcolor parameter supports HEX (‘#xxxxxx’), RGB ([int, int, int]), RGBA ([int, int, int, double]) and [Color].

Border radius

      {double all,
      double topLeft,
      double topRight,
      double bottomLeft,
      double bottomRight})

Eigther use the all property to apply to all corners, or user topLefttopRightbottomLeft and bottomRight. If the all property is defined, the other properties will have no effect.

Box shadow

      {dynamic color = const Color(0x33000000),
      double blur,
      List<double> offset,
      double spread})

color parameter supports HEX (‘#xxxxxx’), RGB ([int, int, int]), RGBA ([int, int, int, double]) and [Color]. If defined while the elevation property is defined, the last one defined will be the style applied. offset is given in the format [double dx, double dy]


      double elevation,
      {bool angled = false,
      dynamic color = const Color(0x33000000)})

Elevates the widget with a boxShadow. If the elevation property is used at the same time as the boxShadow property, the last one defined will be the applied style. color parameter supports HEX (‘#xxxxxx’), RGB ([int, int, int]), RGBA ([int, int, int, double]) and [Color]. If the angled property is true, the shadow will be att 45 degrees.


..scale(double scale)

Scale the widget


..offset([double dx, double dy])

Offsets the widget


..rotate(double rotate)

Rotates the widget. By default one turn equals the value 1.0. To change to radians: StyleClass(useRadians: true)...


Material ripple effect

..ripple({bool enable = false, dynamic splashColor, dynamic highlightColor})

Still a [beta] feature with known issues.


..animate([int duration, Curve curve = Curves.linear])

Animates the widget when one of its style properties changes. duration is given in milliseconds.


..add(StyleClass styleClass, {bool override = false})

Adds a StyleClass to a StyleClass. By default the added StyleClass does not override already set style. Change override to true, to override already set style.

Width, minWidth, maxWidth, Height, minHeight, maxHeight

..[type](double length)

Gesture property

The gesture property expects a GestureClass which is a class holding all the gestures for the widget.


To add a style to the GestureClass, use the ..[gesture] syntax. The two dots is used to not return the [gesture], but the GestureClass

The GestureClass takes all the same parameters as the GestureDetector widget.


Child property

Widget child

Source Credit Url : https://github.com/ReinBentdal/division

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