AdaptiveCards for Flutter


A Flutter implementation of Adaptive Cards

Adaptive Cards for Flutter

A Flutter implementation of Adaptive Cards.


Put this into your pubspec.yaml



Using Adaptive Cards in Flutter coudn’t be simpler: All you need is the AdaptiveCard widget.

There are several constructors which handle data loading from different sources. takes a url to download the payload and display it. AdaptiveCard.asset takes an asset path to load the payload from the local data. AdaptiveCard.memory takes a map (which can be obtained but decoding a string using the json class) and displays it.

An example:
  placeholder: Text("Loading, please wait"),
  url: "www.someUrlThatPoints.To/A.json",
  hostConfigPath: "assets/host_config.json",
  onSubmit: (map) {
    // Send to server or handle locally
  onOpenUrl: (url) {
    // Open url using the browser or handle differently
  // If this is set, a button will appear next to each adaptive card which when clicked shows the payload.
  // NOTE: this will only be shown in debug mode, this attribute does change nothing for realease builds.
  // This is very useful for debugging purposes
  showDebugJson: true,
  // If you have not implemented explicit dark theme, Adaptive Cards will try to approximate its colors to match the dark theme
  // so the contrast and color meaning stays the same.
  // Turn this off, if you want to have full control over the colors when using the dark theme.
  // NOTE: This is currently still under development
  approximateDarkThemeColors: true,

Running the tests

Simply type

flutter test

and to update the golden files run

flutter test --update-goldens test/sample_golden_test.dart

This updates the golden files for the sample cards.

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