Android - TimeTracker as flutter app TimeTracker as flutter app

admin - TimeTracker as flutter app. This app brings the TimeTracker desktop application on your smartphone.........

A sliding Flutter widget, based on the slide to unlock function from multiple devices

A swipe to confirm button for flutter


Sliding Button - A sliding Flutter widget, based on the slide to unlock function from multiple devices. Heavily customizable and flexible.

This is a flutter app that makes it a breeze to know your pet plant more

This is a flutter app that makes it a breeze to know your pet plant more


succu This is a flutter app that makes it a breeze to know your pet plant more. Are you struggling ...

A simple world time Flutter App

A simple world time Flutter App


world_time - A simple world time Flutter App.................................................................................

A day night switch widget for Flutter.

A day night switch widget for Flutter


DayNightSwitch - A day night switch widget for Flutter......................................................................

Zold wallet built in flutter

Zold wallet built in flutter


Zold wallet built in flutter (Android and iOS platform). Use it to pay or receive zolds and view your wallet balance and transactions.

galpi, the book logging app built with Flutter

galpi the book logging app built with Flutter


galpi, the book logging app built with Flutter................................................................................


flutter custom dialog


flutter_custom_dialog - Global dialog function encapsulation, with a semantic way to fill the content inside the dialog the current function provided.

Flutter application that allows user to analyze sentiments of other users based on their captions

Flutter application that allows user to analyze sentiments of other users based on their captions


Front-end Application - Flutter application that allows user to analyze sentiments of other users based on their captions. This application uses a Machine..

A clock that changes in color based on the current time

A clock that changes in color based on the current time


hexClock - A simple app that changes in colour based on the current time as a hex value...................................