
Liquid Swipe source code

A flutter based liquid swipe


This repository contains the Liquid Swipe source code. Liquid swipe is the revealing clipper to bring off amazing liquid....

Support android ios, use the native way to flip, crop, rotate pictures

Flutter plugin support android/ios crop flip rotate


image_editor - Support android ios, use the native way to flip, crop, rotate pictures......................................

A Todo Application written with Dart on Flutter

A Todo Application written with Dart on Flutter


todoA Todo Application written with Dart on Flutter. Getting Started Clone this repositoryTechnologies DartFlutter Firestore Database..

A Flutter package to display the purchase of a ticket/pass along with additional details such as list of buyers

A Flutter Widget to display the details of a ticket/pass purchased


ticket_pass_package - A Flutter package to display the purchase of a ticket/pass along with additional details such as list of buyers.

Sorting Algorithms Visualizer in Flutter

Sorting algorithms visualizer in Flutter


Sorting Algorithms Visualizer in Flutter - Algorithms implemented Insertion Sort Selection SortBubble Sort..................

Flutter infinite view pager widget

Infinite View Pager widget for Flutter


infinite_view_pager - Flutter infinite view pager widget.....................................................................


Easy Form State Management using BLoC pattern – Create Beautiful Forms in Flutter


Easy Form State Management using BLoC pattern - Create Beautiful Forms in Flutter. The easiest way to Prefill, Async Validation, Update Form Fields, and Show Progress, Failures..

A scientific & intutive calculator written in Flutter

A scientific & intutive calculator written in Flutter


Num++ let you type math expression intuitively and evaluate it automatically. It supports basically all kinds of math function you will need and it's beautifully designed.

An amazing open-source group messaging app build with flutter

Timy – open source mobile app for groups to communicate and organize themselves


Timy - open source mobile app for groups to communicate and organize themselves. Build with flutter.......................

A Simple app To Download mp3 Videos From YouTube

iOS/Android App To Download Videos From YouTube In mp3 Format


Flutter_YouTube_MP3 App - A Simple app To Download mp3 Videos From YouTube................................................