
Spoiler widget for flutter

Spoiler widget for flutter


Spoiler widget for flutter. Custom open header and custom close header. On open callback with header height and child height arguments.

This Flutter package provides a Avatar Glow Widget with cool background glowing animation

A Flutter Package providing Avatar Glow Widget


Avatar Glow - This Flutter package provides a Avatar Glow Widget with cool background glowing animation. Avatar Glow is a widget.

Calendar widget for flutter that is swipeable horizontally

Calendar widget for flutter that is swipeable horizontally


Calendar widget for flutter that is swipeable horizontally. This widget can help you build your own calendar widget highly customizable.

Flutter Cross-Platform Development

Flutter 1.0 Is Now Available: Stable Native Cross-Platform Development


Most important news this week is Flutter 1.0 is available. On the 4th of December, Google unveiled the stable release of Flutter, Flutter 1.0, ...